function polarpat(ang1,rho1,st1,ang2,rho2,st2,ang3,rho3,st3) %POLARPAT Polar coordinate plot used for antenna radiation patterns. % POLARPAT(ANG1,RHO1,ST1,ANG2,RHO2,ST2,ANG3,RHO3,ST3) plots up to % three curves. ANGi is angles in degress, RHOi is radius, and % STi is linestyle. % RHOi can be in dB or not in dB. % Axis labels can be placed horzontally or vertically. % Choice of normalized or unnormalized (showing gains) patterns. % Minimum level at the polar center can be specified. % Maximum level at the polar outmost circle can be specified for % unnormalized patterns. % Line width of radiation patternns can be specified. % Legend can be placed. To move the legend, press the left mouse % button on the legend and drag to the desired location. % Grid linetypes can be specified. % Default value is inside [], press Enter to chose default. % See PLOT for a description of legal linestyles. % 0 degree can be in the East or North direction. % Example: polarpat(a1,r1,'r-',a2,r2,'y--') % Written by Duixian Liu, on September 13, 1996. % T.J. Watson Research center % IBM % P.O.Box 218 % Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 % Email: if nargin==0 help polarpat; return; end % get some parameters from user db = input('Are input values in dB (Y/N)[Y]? ','s'); if isempty(db), db = 'Y'; end db = upper(db); scale = input('Normalize to the Maximum Gain Value (Y/N)[Y]? ','s'); if isempty(scale), scale = 'Y'; end scale = upper(scale); maxG=0; if scale == 'N' maxG = input('The maximum dB value at the polar outmost circle [10]? '); if isempty(maxG), maxG=10; end end minG = input('The minimum dB value at polar center [-50]? '); if isempty(minG), minG=-50; end aminG=abs(minG); HV = input('Put axis laber Vertically or Horizontally (V/H)[H]? ','s'); if isempty(HV), HV = 'H'; end HV = upper(HV); LW = input('Pattern line width [1.0]: '); if isempty(LW), LW=1.0; end if nargin > 3 LG = input('Put legend on the graph (Y/N)[N]? ','s'); if isempty(LG), LG='N'; end LG=upper(LG); if LG == 'Y' str1=input('Enter label for curve 1: ','s'); str2=input('Enter label for curve 2: ','s'); if nargin>6 str3=input('Enter label for curve 3: ','s'); end BOX = input('Put a box around the legend (Y/N)[Y]? ','s'); if isempty(BOX), BOX='Y'; end BOX=upper(BOX); end end DIRECT=input('Is 0 degree in the North or East (N/E)[E]? ','s'); if isempty(DIRECT), DIRECT='E'; end DIRECT=upper(DIRECT); LP = input('Line type of grid(-, --, -., :)[-]? ','s'); if isempty(LP), LP='-'; end dr=pi/180; cc=10/log(10); er=exp(minG/cc); % find maximum values maxA=360; maxR=max(rho1); if nargin > 3, maxR=max([maxR, max(rho2)]); end if nargin > 6, maxR=max([maxR, max(rho3)]); end if scale=='N' & maxR>maxG maxRdb=maxR; if db=='N', maxRdb=10*log10(maxR); end maxG=10*ceil((maxRdb-minG)/10)+minG; end minmax=maxG-minG; % normalize rho vectors if db == 'N' if scale=='Y', rho1=rho1/maxR; end for i=1:length(rho1) if rho1(i) < er, rho1(i)=er; end rho1(i)=aminG+cc*log(rho1(i)); end if nargin > 3 if scale=='Y', rho2=rho2/maxR; end for i=1:length(rho2) if rho2(i) < er, rho2(i)=er; end rho2(i)=aminG+cc*log(rho2(i)); end end if nargin > 6 if scale=='Y', rho3=rho3/maxR; end for i=1:length(rho3) if rho3(i) < er, rho3(i)=er; end rho3(i)=aminG+cc*log(rho3(i)); end end else if scale=='Y', rho1=rho1-maxR; end rho1=rho1-minG; for i=1:length(rho1) if rho1(i) < 0, rho1(i)=0; end end if nargin > 3 if scale=='Y', rho2=rho2-maxR; end rho2=rho2-minG; for i=1:length(rho2) if rho2(i) < 0, rho2(i)=0; end end end if nargin > 6, if scale=='Y', rho3=rho3-maxR; end rho3=rho3-minG; for i=1:length(rho3) if rho3(i) < 0, rho3(i)=0; end end end end % get hold state cax = newplot; next = lower(get(cax,'NextPlot')); hold_state = ishold; % get x-axis text color so grid is in same color tc = get(cax,'xcolor'); % only do grids if hold is off if ~hold_state % make a radial grid hold on; hhh=plot([0 maxA],[0 minmax]); v = [get(cax,'xlim') get(cax,'ylim')]; ticks = length(get(cax,'ytick')); delete(hhh); % check radial limits and ticks rmin = 0; rmax = v(4); rticks = ticks-1; if rticks > 9 % see if we can reduce the number if rem(rticks,2) == 0 rticks = rticks/2; elseif rem(rticks,3) == 0 rticks = rticks/3; end end % define a circle th = 0:pi/50:2*pi; xunit = cos(th); yunit = sin(th); rinc = (rmax-rmin)/rticks; cc=minmax/(rmax-rmin); for i=(rmin+rinc):rinc:rmax plot(xunit*i,yunit*i,LP,'color',tc); ii=i-rmax; if scale == 'N', ii=minG+cc*(i-rmin); end if HV == 'V' if ii < 0 strr=num2str(ii); elseif ii == 0 strr=[' ' num2str(ii)]; else strr=[' ' num2str(ii)]; end text(0,i+rinc/20,strr,'verticalalignment','middle'); else text(i+rinc/20,0,num2str(ii),'verticalalignment','top',... 'horizontalalignment','center'); end end % plot spokes th = (1:6)*2*pi/12; if DIRECT=='N', th=th+pi/2; end cst = cos(th); snt = sin(th); cs = [-cst; cst]; sn = [-snt; snt]; if DIRECT=='N', cst=-cst; end plot(rmax*cs,rmax*sn,LP,'color',tc); % annotate spokes in degrees rt = 1.1*rmax; for i = 1:max(size(th)) loc = int2str(i*30); text(rt*cst(i),rt*snt(i),[loc,'\circ'],'horizontalalignment',... 'center'); if i == max(size(th)) loc = int2str(0); else loc = int2str(180+i*30); end text(-rt*cst(i),-rt*snt(i),[loc,'\circ'],... 'horizontalalignment','center'); end % set viewto 2-D view(0,90); % set axis limits axis(rmax*[-1 1 -1.1 1.1]); end % first curve offset=0; if DIRECT=='N', ang1=ang1+90; offset=pi; end ang1 = ang1 * dr; xx = rho1.*cos(ang1+offset); yy = rho1.*sin(ang1); hhh = plot(xx,yy,st1); % default line width is 0.5 set(hhh,'linewidth',LW) % second curve if nargin > 3 clear xx yy if DIRECT=='N', ang2=ang2+90; end ang2 = ang2 * dr; xx = rho2.*cos(ang2+offset); yy = rho2.*sin(ang2); hhh = plot(xx,yy,st2); set(hhh,'linewidth',LW) if LG=='Y' hl=legend(st1,str1,st2,str2); if BOX=='N', set(hl,'Visible','off'); end end end % third curve if nargin > 6 clear xx yy if DIRECT=='N', ang3=ang3-270; end ang3 = ang3 * dr; xx = rho3.*cos(ang3+offset); yy = rho3.*sin(ang3); hhh = plot(xx,yy,st3); set(hhh,'linewidth',LW) if LG=='Y' hl=legend(st1,str1,st2,str2,st3,str3); if BOX=='N', set(hl,'Visible','off'); end end end if ~hold_state axis('equal');axis('off'); end % reset hold state if ~hold_state, set(cax,'NextPlot',next); end